1st Class - Room 2

Christmas fun in Room 2!

We have had a very enjoyable few weeks in the run up to Christmas! We have been very busy creating our brilliant Christmas art work and enjoyed making prints and creating our own penguins and reindeers. We worked really hard for our Christmas show and loved singing our songs for our friends and family! We had a lovely afternoon making Christmas cards with our friends and family. We had great fun creating our amazing Christmas cards and we really enjoyed using the Christmas stickers! We also had the opportunity to go on our annual school trip to the panto and we had a great time watching Sleeping Beauty on the stage

What we have been up to in Room 2!

We have had a great start to 1st Class! We have had a very busy September and we have been working very hard! We have had lots of fun playing our phonics games, reading lots of books during Power Hour, playing lots of fun games in P.E and building our very own schools out of Lego. We were also very lucky with the good weather and went on a trip to the playground. We had a great time!

1st Class – Room 2 – Mr. Treacy

  • We have been so busy in Room 2 since we came back after our Easter Holidays.
  • During the month of May we celebrated our schools 50th anniversary with a range of events. In Room 2 we wrote about the many things that we love about St Canice’s BNS. We also predicted how we think our school building might look in another 50 years, in 2074.
  • As part of our 50th celebrations we were lucky enough to welcome ‘The Sam Maguire Cup’ to our class, up the Dubs!
  • Recently we’ve enjoyed a range of activities as part of Active Schools Week, we had our Junior Sports Day on Monday the 10th of June, followed by a trip to Malahide Castle on the Wednesday.

First Class  Room 2

  • We can’t believe how fast our time in 1st class is going by.
  • At the beginning of February, we celebrated ‘Friendship Week’ in our school. We had a great time engaging in some ‘Team Building’ Games in the hall, as well as working with boys from Mr. Powers 6th class to make some friendship bracelets.
  • Since Christmas we have loved learning about money and the various coins which exist. Recently we have been focusing on the topic of ‘Length’, where we got the chance to use rulers to measure various items as well as drawing lines of our very own.
  • Currently we are learning all about ‘The Farm’, the names of the various animals and their young, as well as the different foods which are produced on a farm. We can’t wait for our trip to St Anne’s City Farm at the end of February.

We are so busy in Room 2

  • Room 2 have been working so hard since we returned to school in September.
  • Every morning we practice our reading and writing skills during Power hour with Ms Egan, Ms Walsh/Ms Connaughton and Mr Irvine, and we are making great progress.
  • In our Maths lessons we love to use our cubes to help us to add 2 numbers or more.
  • To celebrate Maths Week, we enjoyed working together while playing some Maths themed board games.
  • We have been very busy during our afternoon Stations where we have been learning all about the vocabulary and changes associated with Autumn.
  • We are currently very busy creating ‘Clay Monsters’ just in time for Halloween.