2nd Class - Room 3

2nd Class Ms. Murphy – Room 3

We did lots of work on fractions before Christmas. The boys had lots of fun using M&Ms to find quarters and halves of numbers!


We had a big day out to the Panto in the National Stadium. It was ‘Beauty and the Beast’. The boys had a great day out and were on their best behavior!


We paired up with the boys in Room 2 to do some buddy reading! The boys all did great reading with each other and were so kind to each other during this 😊


We learned about Gratitude this month, we made lists of all the things we were grateful for! We made Gratitude mugs to remind us of all the things and people we are grateful for!


We celebrated the New Year by creating our city landscapes with fireworks! We used the chalk pastels to help create the fireworks effect!

2nd Class Ms. Murphy – Room 3

We have been very busy in Room 3 since we have been back to school! We started the year by creating Lego self-portraits, the boys got so creative with their self-portraits!


The boys have been working really hard in Maths and they played some maths board games to help them with their revision of doubles and near doubles! This was great fun


We have had some lovely weather so far this month, so we brought some of our schoolwork outside! The boys practiced their spellings in the yard using chalk,


The boys were working so hard that a trip to the park with the great weather was well-earned! We walked down to the playground in Johnstown Park and saw plenty of signs of Autumn on our walk down.




2nd Class Ms. Murphy – Room 3

We have been really busy in Room 3 since we came back from our Christmas holidays!


We learned lots about what ‘gratitude’ means and how important it is! We had a chat about everything that we are grateful for and created these gratitude mugs.


We used the iPads to research different animals and we found out lots of new facts! We used those facts and our amazing artistic skills to create our ‘Animal research reports’. There are lots of budding authors in our classroom!


We have been so lucky to have Leanne in our classroom every Wednesday to teach us lots about music. We are currently learning all about the different instruments in the orchestra! We learn and practice new songs every week with Leanne.


In the lead up to Valentine’s Day, we learned the word ‘love’ in different languages and created this art using our new words! We talked all about how we can show love to others.


On Pancake Tuesday, we started learning all about procedural writing. We wrote about how to make pancakes (for the day that was in it)! We might have had some pancakes in school too!!

2nd Class Ms. Murphy – Room 3

Everyone in Room 3 has been working really hard since we came back to school in September. In Art, we have been focusing on the theme of Autumn, we used leaves to make leaf rubbings on our hedgehog art!

Things are getting spooky in Room 3, we have started our Halloween art, we drew and cut out our own spooky characters for our Halloween pop art don’t they look Spooktacular!


We learned all about Fire Safety in SPHE, as it was Fire Safety Week, we created posters to remind people to check that their smoke alarms are working!


We are learning all about 2D shapes in Maths at the moment, we practiced making lots of 2D shapes using lollipop sticks!


During GoldenTime on Fridays, we love to get creative! Using blocks and Lego to build towers and cool machines is a firm favorite for some boys in Room 3!