The boys in Room 12 have been very busy since the last update. The class visited the library to collect their class novel, Holes. The boys really go into the novel which was great to see. The next novel has been ordered from the library and the boys will be starting it shortly. Again, the boys will read the novel in school and as part of their homework.
The boys also completed their running challenge in Morton Stadium. We had a fantastic day out with the other 5th class. All of the boys received a medal and a t-shirt for completing the challenge.
The boys made some very impressive art notably, the Halloween lanterns and the snowman Christmas tree decoration. The Christmas Panto rounded off a brilliant term.
The boys in Room 12 have made a brilliant start to the year. They have been getting stuck into the work and enjoying our extra activities. Swimming as been going really well and the boys are making great progress in the water. The HSE Health Kidz initiative is also back up and running this year. The boys get about 40 mins with Micky and they absolutely love the physical activities.
The highlight so far has undoubtedly been the Finglas Garda Station Open Day. The boys jumped into the Garda vans and cars, saw the Garda horses up close, visited the cells in the station and got to use the Fire Brigade hoses. The boys commented on how much they enjoyed the day and I received many compliments about how mannerly the boys were on the day.
This month, we have been looking at the history and geography of Ireland. Work has begun on the Easter Rising and the class created a fantastic collaborative art project entitled “In Dublin’s Fair City”. See if you can spot any famous landmarks in the picture!
Our unit on World War Two has finally come to an end. We finished the unit by reading “Once” by Morris Gleitzman as our class novel and putting together amazing projects. The winner of the WW2 projects – as judged by our support teacher Mr O’Donnell – was the Emergency!
During Friendship Week, we were very lucky to have been invited to take part in a Positive Peer Relationships workshop with Peter McAuliffe, an Australian speaker. The boys engaged in a variety of team-building games and participated in interesting discussions around subjects such as confidence, motivation, accountability for our own actions and collaboration. It was very enjoyable and beneficial!
We hit the ground running here in Room 12! The boys have been very busy – both in and outside the classroom! Swimming on Wednesday mornings has been going – well – swimmingly! We are also participating in the Marathon Kids programme and are now running 14 laps of the yard – maith sibh!
Back in the classroom, the boys are working hard. In Art, we studied famous abstract artists before creating our own abstract piece. World War II is our History topic for October so we have selected The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas as our class novel for Power Hour. Finally, attendance has been fantastic since the return to school, with a full house almost every day – keep up the great work!