Our Home School Community Liaison Officer (HSCL) is Anthony Gaffney. He is based in St. Canice’s BNS. The post is shared between the two schools – St Canice’s BNS and St Canice’s GNS. Anthony provides a vital link between our school in St. Canice’s BNS, the parents of our pupils and the wider Finglas community. He organises parenting classes, signposts therapeutic supports for parents and children and works with parents to ensure the best educational outcome is achieved for their children.
Feel Free to contact Anthony by phone or email if you would like to hear about possible supports for you or your child.
Phone: 0851144255 Email: hscl@stcanicesgns.ie
Please take a look below for more information on upcoming events as well as recent events that have happened.
Thursday Cooking Class
Parents from St Canice’s BNS and GNS cook delicious meals every Thursday morning from 9:15 to 11am in the parent’s room in St Canice’s BNS. They’ve cooked various dishes from lasagna, vegetable casserole, flat bread, soups, pizzas, desserts and more. Newcomers welcome.
Halloween Art with Room 4
Parents of the 2nd class children from Room 4 were invited into the hall to do Hallowe’en art with their sons. Thank you to everyone that attended.
Halloween Art with Room 3
Parents of the 2nd class children from Room 3 were invited into the hall to do Hallowe’en art with their sons. Thank you to everyone that attended.
Toy Library for Junior Infants
The junior infants from room 7 and their parents/ guardians have been visiting our toy library in the parents room each week, borrowing a different toy each time. The toys will help improve the boys motor skills and their hand eye coordination.
Toy Library for Junior Infants
The junior infants from room 8 and their parents/ guardians have been visiting our toy library in the parents room each week, borrowing a different toy each time. The toys will help improve the boys motor skills and their hand eye coordination.
Shared Reading with Senior Infants R.6
Parents came to the classroom to do shared reading with the boys in Senior infants.
Library Books with 2nd Class
Parents and boys in 2nd class were invited into the Parent’s Room to borrow books from the library.
Board Games and Maths Games
The parents of 3rd and 4th Classes were invited into our school to play board games and Maths games with their children. It took place over a number of days and the boys and parents had great fun. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped out.
Halloween Cards
The parents of 2nd Class were invited into school to join their sons in making Halloween cards. The boys had great fun. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped out.
Wellness Fair
The family wellness fair took place in Erin’s Isle GAA CLUB. Local services such as Dogs Trust, MABs, St Vincent De Paul, Barnardos and Better Finglas were there informing our parents on their services.
Christmas Card Making
In December, our teachers welcomed parents and children into the hall to take part in making Christmas Cards. This was a hugely successful event and was organised by Anthony, our Home School Community Liaison teacher. It was a very memorable day for parents, pupils and teachers alike.