Junior Infants - Room 8

Welcome to Room 8!

Room 8 have enjoyed learning about the doctors and the hospital for the past few weeks. We learned about the different instruments you would find in a doctor’s bag like a stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, thermometer and injections.


We enjoyed being doctors, nurses and surgeons in our role play area and carried out some emergency operations! We made our own hospital which had a waiting room, a consultation room and a children’s ward. We had so much fun!

Welcome to Room 8!

The children in Room 8 have settled in well to Junior Infants and are getting used to the classroom routines. Every morning we start the day with a programme called move write which works on developing gross motor, fine motor and visual perception skills. The early development of these skills is important for the children’s writing. We have also been having lots of playtime, learning songs and rhymes, learning Gaeilge phrases and learning maths through our fun maths stations.

On Friday’s we have been lucky to get some sessions with a GAA coach from Erin’s Isle to practice our gaelic and hurling skills.

We look forward to continuing to get to know each other of the next few weeks.

Room 8

We have had a great final term in junior infants in Room 8!

In literacy, we have covered all of our phonics sounds and are working hard on revising these and blending them together to make words. We have also learnt how to form all our letters correctly and are writing beautiful news in our copybooks. In maths, we are having lots of fun playing maths games to consolidate all the maths concepts we have covered this year.

In playtime, we have been busy jet-setting in the airport, the train station and most recently have been diving deep down under water in our under the sea theme. The boys have loved playing with the sand, small world toys and our arts and crafts stations lately.


We had big celebrations in May, celebrating over 50 years of our school. We did lots of artwork for the celebrations, learnt about what the school use to be like and even had a 50th birthday party in our classroom!


Our first ‘Active Schools Week’ in St. Canice’s was a very busy one for junior infants. We had so much fun on sports day! Competing in races, playing with the parachute and the obstacle course were some of the highlights of the day. We also took a trip to Malahide Castle, where they boys had lots of fun in the playground and had a very cosy teddy bears picnic later in the week. We look forward to visiting the farm before we finish up in junior infants.


Room 8

Room 8 had a busy half-term before Christmas filled with lots of art, singing, a trip to the Panto and our very own Christmas performance, “Baa Baa Bethlehem”. We were delighted to have the parents in to see our show and we really hope you enjoyed it.


We have introduced i-pads to our learning, which caused great excitement amongst the boys. We use the i-pads once a week to help consolidate the jolly phonics and maths that we have covered so far in class.


During playtime we are continuing to learn through play, our latest themes have been the Doctor and the Vet. The boys had lots of fun dressing up and getting into role and using their new vocabulary during their play.


We have been enjoying creating different types of lines in our art and also using different materials for our work, we have tried paint, oil pastels, twistables, crayons, markers and pencils. So far, painting is our favourite!

Room 8

Room 8 have really settled into junior infants and the school routine. We are having lots of fun learning through play.

We have had a few different themes since starting school including, “School”, “The Home”, “The Three Little Pigs” and most recently “The Potions Lab”. We use these themes as inspiration for our playtime and try to also link them with our other subject areas. You can see some art we completed as part of these themes in our pictures.

We have been busy learning how to do our pre-writing shapes and are almost ready to move on to letters after midterm. The boys have also loved learning lots of new Irish phrases and playing Irish games. We celebrated Maths
Week last week in our school and we had so much fun going on a maths trail around our school looking for numbers and shapes.

We are very lucky to have Laura from Erin’s Isle with us on Friday’s and she has been helping us learn lots of GAA skills. We really loved learning how to hold the hurl and sliotar last week.