6th Class - Room 13

Recent Activities in Room 13

6th class have been very busy in the last few months. The boys have completed their road safety and cycling lessons with Don and Mike and had a great time! They have been working very hard in the classroom, not only with their core subjects but with project-based work also. The boys created Dioramas and essays about the key elements of a tropical rainforest. We have had many exciting weeks in school lately, most recently our anti-bullying and friendship week, in which the boys attended a series of workshops, discussing cyber safety and team and confidence building exercises.

We are currently preparing for our Confirmation in March, so its all systems go in 6th Class!



Our Start to 6th Class in Room 13

We have had a great start to the year in 6th class. We have started boxing with Óisín and are developing our shadow boxing and various other skills. We have been busy in the classroom also, with the boys mastering their long multiplication, report writing and research projects with the iPads. Late last week we were lucky enough to participate in Fighting Words, a literacy-based workshop in which the boys created their own fictional story and had it illustrated and typed by professionals! The boys have also been lending a hand in our school garden, weeding and sorting the flower beds to prepare them for planting in the next two terms. Well done on a fantastic first term boys, there will be much more to come in term 2!