6th Class - Room 14

Riding in Style in 6th Class!

It was all go in Room 14 in the lead up to Christmas! Our cycling lessons with Dom and Mike continued, as the boys learned how to cycle on main roads and roundabouts. For our last boxing session with Oisín, he invited us to Ballymun Boxing Club where some boys were paired off and had the opportunity to fight in the ring. Later, the next week, he presented the whole class with their certificates and spoke to us about his boxing career in America. The class really enjoyed their time with both activities, honed valuable life skills and were very fortunate to work with such great coaches.


Near the holidays, we worked on our Christmas art and prepared for the Senior End Christmas Show. Together with Mr. Hickey’s 6th Class, we sang “An Chéad Nollaig” (the first Christmas), Jingle Bell Rock and Last Christmas, as Kelson expertly accompanied us on the guitar. It was a hit and really got us in the Christmas mood!


 Finally, along with the rest of the school, we headed for the Christmas Panto in the National Boxing Arena, the boys’ last panto in St Canice’s. We all had a great day dancing and singing along, especially when it was the teachers’ turn!

An Active Start to the Year for 6th Class!

The boys commenced their final September in St Canice’s in style. As per Sixth Class tradition, they are afforded lots of opportunities and activities for their last year in the school. We have started boxing with Oisín every Wednesday. He’s helping us to build our fitness and hone our skills. The Healthy Kids scheme is another great break from the classroom every Tuesday. We also weeded the garden with Mr. Power in preparation for planting.


In Room 14, we have been straight down to work. We covered the Titanic in history and completed some fantastic porthole art to tie in with it. Lots of revision has been completed in English, Irish and Maths. Finally, in association with the Student’s Council, the boys completed a whole-school survey on how students and staff travel to school. Maith sibh!


Grandparents’  Day 2024

On Wednesday, 24th January the boys of Room 14 welcomed their grandparents to the school to for a prayer service to celebrate Grandparents’ Day.  This day is always a great occasion and forms a very important part of the school’s celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week.  There were prayers, art, interesting fact sheets and song on display on the day.  The boys were thrilled to see their grandparents in the school and they really enjoyed the occasion.  All of the classes finished the prayer service with an excellent rendition of ‘Molly Malone’.  At the end of the service, Mr. Walsh spoke to the grandparents and he welcomed them all to the Parents’ Room for some refreshments.

Fighting Words – 11th September 2023

On Monday, 11th September 2023, Mr. Power’s class spend at a wonderful morning at a creative writing workshop at Fighting Words which is adjacent to Croke Park.  The aim of the morning was to inspire boys to explore their imaginations through writing.  The facilitators were outstanding and the boys invested great effort in creating a published group story called ‘The Golf Cart’.  The boys thoroughly enjoyed the morning and despite the inclement weather, the boys were wonderful representatives of St. Canice’s BNS.  Let the writing begin!