We have had a brilliant start in Senior Infants in Room 5. There is a big emphasis as always in learning though play. We have already been learning about people who help us in the community focusing on Garda and Firemen. We have been ‘working’ as garda and firemen in our classroom. We also use lots of concrete materials in our math work. We love using Numicon shapes to help us with our addition stories. On September 26th we celebrated a very special lady in our class! It was national SNA day so we thanked Helen for all her hard work , kindness and fun, we think she is fantastic.
We have enjoyed a wonderful Term 3 in room 5 and have continued to work hard! We showed off our reading skills during some buddy reading with 6th class and painted beautiful pictures inspired by Claude Monet.
We were lucky to have Laura back teaching us GAA skills, which the boys thoroughly enjoyed. It is great to see them having so much fun with football and hurling.
Active Schools Week was a fun filled week with lots of great activities including, sports day, obstacle course, egg and spoon and sack races, ice cream and a trip to Malahide Castle playground. We were so proud of the boys, they were excellently behaved and had a wonderful time with the junior and senior infant classes.
Before Christmas, we had great fun at the National Stadium attending the pantomime. The boys also had their own sell-out performance of Ralph the Reindeer and we enjoyed a special visit from Santa!
After reading the story Handa’s Surpise, we learned about lots of different foods and even got to sample some fruit in our classroom. The boys were very excited to taste and describe the sweet and sour fruits.
Aistear continues to be a popular time during the day in room 5. This is a great opportunity to integrate other subjects such as science, geography, history, maths and literacy through play. Two popular topics were the Post Office and the Polar Regions. The boys were busy sending and delivering letters and were eager explorers learning about Tom Crean & polar animals.
The whole school celebrated Friendship week at the end of January and we enjoyed a variety of activities. The class enjoyed team building games in the hall and making friendship bracelets with pupils from 5th Class.
We have made a great start to Senior Infants, the boys are working hard and having lots of fun.
Every day we practise our amazing reading and during the week we like to relax with some well-earned DEAR time!
We have been using our iPads to play maths games and develop our ICT skills.
Last week, we were learning all about the doctor’s surgery in Aistear. The boys were very caring and nursed all of their patients back to health.
P.E. is always a very exciting time for our class and we have loved practising our GAA skills with Coach Laura every Friday.
On the 13th of October, our class was very lucky to attend a show in the Axis Theatre called A Square World. It was a really enjoyable day for everyone.